They are under the control of FEMA. FEMA answer to Miller. Miller answers to Trump. FEMA directs the troops. The S.T.O.R.M act is activated UNDER FEMA.
Seriously people. Do your due diligence. You're starting to look like real Qtards.
Stop spreading disinfo. Learn your laws. Learn to follow a chain of custody before posting information. Verifiy. Archive. Learn how to communicate CORRECTLY, not this rumor bullshit.
These are hard facts :
Trump signed an Emergency Declaration to allow troops into D.C. --> See here.
They are under the control of FEMA. FEMA answer to Miller. Miller answers to Trump. FEMA directs the troops. The S.T.O.R.M act is activated UNDER FEMA.
Seriously people. Do your due diligence. You're starting to look like real Qtards.
Stop spreading disinfo. Learn your laws. Learn to follow a chain of custody before posting information. Verifiy. Archive. Learn how to communicate CORRECTLY, not this rumor bullshit.
Come on, really. Now is not the time to be lax.