posted ago by Seraphim ago by Seraphim +12 / -0

Love wins in the End.

Just wanted to say that it was one of the greatest honors of my life to stand along side you, Anon. To serve the interests of our Country and our President- in any capacity- is an incomparable privilege. It hasn't been easy, nor will it ever be- but it was worth every moment. I've been following Q-Group since Day 1 and participating in our long journey across various communication and social media platforms. It has been a life experience that I will never forget. It has taught me that no matter what the odds are, no matter how powerful our opponents appear to be...we are stronger. We haven't just endured through everything that they could possibly throw at us (including the kitchen sink) ...we have flourished. We were only made more powerful by that adversity.

Come what may, I know that Good conquers Evil and Light treads Darkness. We have long since crossed the threshold of no return- don't look back. The world will be a very different place soon. You are living through a series of historic events- an era that will never be forgotten by History. Be strong. Hang in there- look after yourselves and your families. See y'all on the other side.