I found a white knight looking at it as multi-byte unicode over on thedonald. The rest could meaning something, but the ideograms I produced had to do with fish -- but could be a proper name of sorts.
䲑酪♘ ?䲢? , the question marks being UA28D, which doesn't have a glyph is a strange glyph.
Inverting the binary produces some Hanzul (Korean), Chinese (dominates the multibyte space), and a high surrogate character, -- so either way there are good chars and bad.
I found a white knight looking at it as multi-byte unicode over on thedonald. The rest could meaning something, but the ideograms I produced had to do with fish -- but could be a proper name of sorts. 䲑酪♘ ?䲢? , the question marks being UA28D, which
doesn't have a glyphis a strange glyph.Inverting the binary produces some Hanzul (Korean), Chinese (dominates the multibyte space), and a high surrogate character, -- so either way there are good chars and bad.