He has stated on other platforms that he does not have a telegram account. Be smart and stop following his group on telegram! You know for sure it's fake. And definitely don't spread it.
That's not their job. They don't have the manpower for that and someone would get fired for it even if they did with 25,000 NG around. The fake Byrne accounts could at least attempt to make something believable.
more fake Byrne accounts. He does not have a telegram according to his own twatter,
Every t.me of Patrick Byrne needs this message inlaid.
He has stated on other platforms that he does not have a telegram account. Be smart and stop following his group on telegram! You know for sure it's fake. And definitely don't spread it.
Which Patrick Byrne is this? The doomer one or the other one?
hell if I know
That's not their job. They don't have the manpower for that and someone would get fired for it even if they did with 25,000 NG around. The fake Byrne accounts could at least attempt to make something believable.
Didn't he also say Q is bullshit?