We have to stop pushing the goal posts. I’m completely talking from the outside looking in.
I’ll admit, I am new to Q other than what I had read from the posts on thedonald and r/the_donald. I definitely doubted Q and listened to the media. But the more the media bashed it, the more I looked into Q. I’ve always known there was a plan, but I didn’t realize I had been following this plan by Q all along. But here is the issue. The goal posts been moved for 3 years now. And the line in the sand is here.
If the inauguration happens, which I DO NOT think it will, then it is done. And there was no plan.
I do not believe the military came to Trump to recruit him for this. President Trump has videos from the 80s and 90’s where he was talking about running for president. He has had the same AMERICA first plan then, as he does now. He has tweets from 2012 calling out the election fraud. He is a billionaire and hung out with all the big wigs. HE knew all their secrets. He knew much more than the military. The military did not know more until he told them what was going on and they looked into it.
But, because he ordered them to do so, they looked into the election fraud and the foreign interference. Which is why the military will take part. They know they are right. We have all the evidence. Our military WOULD NOT attempt to overthrow a president and elected officials unless there was 100% irrefutable evidence.
But our generals and the military would not do this without a leader. Four star generals are equal in rank, they would split about this decision without a decisive leader, they would bend to the pressure of the media when they relentlessly attacked them saying our military has gone rogue and attempting to go rogue...
The people will already be freaking out as is. But the PEOPLE trust Trump. Which is why the main reason they would trust the military to overthrow the government. Without Trump, the trust in a situation like that would be gone.
This leads to the final 2 things, if Trump is not there to lead the charge, the generals would fold to not only the media, but Joe Biden. He would officially be the commander and chief and Trump never gave the order to stop this so he must have never had the proof. You couple that with the fact that you can’t arrest the sitting president, pretty huge deal by the way. And the reasoning of, the US is a corporation and not a real country is asinine and will never be accepted as an actual reason. It would cause such massive unrest that even with the evidence, a huge chunk would not wake up.
They promise us they have the evidence and it will be irrefutable. They have said it will wake everyone up! Obviously, the ones with sever TDS will never wake up. But I’m not talking about them.
I’m talking about how they must red pill the doomers or the Republicans very on the fence, that only know the mainstream media but they want the best for this country.
The ONLY way this can go down where they not only accomplish the mission of taking these bastards down... but they redpill everyone so much so that the country isn’t absolute hell...because, we must be real here, this process 100% opens is up for attack, Especially if we are seeing riots that take 25k troops to stop...is if President Trump leads the charge. And he will. I’ve talked to many democrat never trumpers as well as Trump supporters that have given up.
This has to be the way. And it will happen.
Generals won’t follow through without Trump. He is the integral part because the people love him, not the military...they do support the military but not with enough trust to do this. Biden wouldn’t be able to be arrested cause he would be sitting president...must red pill the normies.
You make a great argument. My issue is I don’t fucking care anymore who is redpilled and who is not. It doesn’t matter. It’s giving msm credence when they are equally guilty of treason.
When our revolution took place in 1776 most people were against it. That’s not the case here. Most people want trump to do what’s right. Legal? Who cares at this point. Courts are corrupt too.
Public opinion doesn’t matter at this point. We have a republic to save. They can wake up later.
I’m not talking about public opinion nor the mainstream media. I’m talking about our parents and grand parents. A lot of “boomers” only know the mainstream media for information. And they have grown up being told “there is always corruption in politics.” And with the media saying there isn’t WIDE SPREAD election fraud, they believe it. They know shit happened, but they don’t see the scale.
This is A LOT of the country. There is a good chunk of of that see it, but most don’t. And they need to see it. Cause if they don’t, Trump will lose a large portion of his base. They will believe the media that he attempted and accomplished a military coup. It would be too many.
It doesn’t matter what they think though. It doesn’t matter if he is hated. If he has to be to save the country, he’ll take all the slings and arrows for us. As he so stated. You have excellent points, I don’t think the media will be allowed their normal spin.
It absolutely matters what they think. While it needs to go down no matter what, there is only 1 way that leads to total victory. The other way leads to only a fraction of the population supporting it.
In theory you are right. But as Q said, we can’t tell them we must show them. Who is going to show them? The media? No, this is information warfare. Q says that we will no longer be divided once the truth comes out. And the truth will be revealed to these normies that you speak of. There will be no doubt in their minds.