Last week I said pretty much the same thing, Our President Will Not Walk Away Quietly, He will do everything in his power to set things right and Protect Our Constitution, Our country and our Way of Life. I am sure of this because I have worked on his projects years ago and I see how operated back then and I saw how he did things as President, that No previous Administration could accomplish. Think about North Korea, The Wall, Middle East Peace, VA & Military, Fixed A Broken Economy, Brought Manufacturing Back to US, Lowest Unemployment in 50 years, and the list goes on. He did so much I can't list it all here and While Under Constant Attack by MSM, Dems, and betrayed by FBI, NSA, CIA, RINOS, and his own appointees and staffers. Impeachments and investigations were on from day one, and he is Still Our President and only took $4 a year for pay. I would be crazy to even think he is going Quit, he is not done. When he is quiet, like now, he is working on his next move and the plan that was started years ago. If you think I am wrong, you haven't been paying as much attention to him and Q as I have. Be Patient, Be Cool, Stay Strong. About the Only Thing That Will Screw Him up now is us getting Violent and division among ourselves. Those two things are what Piglosi is hoping for. The Best Is Yet To Come Frens.
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We are in total darkness to what is being coordinated, the only thing I have heard is it's to protect the inauguration, and that is BS. The fact we aren't being given information is eerie and unsettling, probably on purpose.
We can speculate all we want, but at the end of the day nobody knows what is going on, which is a good thing because that means the enemy doesn’t know either. However, based on Trump’s proclivities for showmanship and revenge, I am confident he won’t just walk away from this. The only clear directive he has given to us is to remain calm and not to participate in any violence, so trusting him is the only thing left to do.