posted ago by Tr3nchesPT ago by Tr3nchesPT +19 / -0

That Ellis (NSA general counsel urgently requested by Miller) is also a Trump loyalist.

The general counsel of the NSA is the man who decides which evidence gathered by the NSA (No such Agency) can be used in a trial, and the NSA collects more evidence than we can ever imagine.

All this while most corrupt politicians are locked in a city sized prison with 10s of thousands of heavily armed guards and military checkpoints.

Let's hope that those firing squads and poison gas federal execution methods authorised by Barr were worth it.

According to a Q the 19th of January will be a "day to remember".

I still can't believe Pelosi and the gang voluntarily went to a military controlled prison, these people are beyond stupid.

EDIT: FOUND THE Q POSTS https://twitter.com/JuanGibb/status/1350598664285204480/photo/1