11 Pompeo desynced posts now at 1 - 6:[2]6 6:[1]9 - maybe something? (https://greatawakening.win/p/11S0ppgrr7/pompeo-posts-out-of-sync--is-he-/c/ - started at 3:05) (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by neweyes 4 years ago by neweyes +11 / -0 6 comments download share 6 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
7:(1)9 not 6:(1)9 not being rude. Just saying!
Must be a timezone issue - see image above. It's coming in as 6:19 for me.
Yeah probably! I’m EST so that’s why I’m sure! Let’s see if he posts on the hour...
Tried to post this in the title, didn't work: https://greatawakening.win/p/11S0ppgrr7/pompeo-posts-out-of-sync--is-he-/c/ That's where he started at 3:05.
Why didn't I think of that. Face value... what a novel approach. That's exactly what this site is for!