MSM and Libtards are really trying to push the Q-Anon's are crazy conspirators and violent message. I even saw a so-called conservative reporter repeat this kind of stuff on OAN this morning. Our People follow the rule of law and the Constitution Peacefully, the only bullshit posts I have seen really look to be shills or libtards all talking the same thing. Be Cool, Be Patient and Stay Alert.
If 'Q' is a psyop, it was the most ill-conceived operation in history and back fired badly
The 'Q' drops have united millions and millions of people world wide to corruption and put the hope and desire to see corrupt politicians held accountable. Anything less and they will never be satisfied
MSM and Libtards are really trying to push the Q-Anon's are crazy conspirators and violent message. I even saw a so-called conservative reporter repeat this kind of stuff on OAN this morning. Our People follow the rule of law and the Constitution Peacefully, the only bullshit posts I have seen really look to be shills or libtards all talking the same thing. Be Cool, Be Patient and Stay Alert.
Agreed. They love to sow the seed of doubt. They certainly have the perseverance.
If 'Q' is a psyop, it was the most ill-conceived operation in history and back fired badly
The 'Q' drops have united millions and millions of people world wide to corruption and put the hope and desire to see corrupt politicians held accountable. Anything less and they will never be satisfied