Our President seems to be dragging his feet when it looks like he has everything he needs to Get Real. We have been really super focused on the USA and not so much on other Countries that are in Danger of a Biden Administration. Think about Australia, NZ, Japan, UK, Taiwan, Italy, France, Mexico, Philippines, Sweden and many others that will feel a Big Negative impact if DJT doesn't straighten out Our Country. I have been watching News casts with the Countries listed, not filtered through our MSM. There are Big Trouble Makers lurking Overseas, like the Redshields (aka Rothschilds) perhaps the Vatican, UK anti-Trumpers, CCP, you get the idea. DJT may be waiting out to the last possible time frame to move, so that Patriots in those Countries are ready for what they need to prep for. This Cabal is not just in the USA, it's roots are in many places. Never the less when the time is up the USA is the Most Important Country to Protect from this World Wide corruption and is Our Presidents Primary Duty. He knows that and it 'Will Be Biblical'. Most of the Free World is Counting On Uncle Donald. Be Patient, Stay Strong and Be Cool. May God Bless
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Good theory. Could very well be true. I also think it's taken this long because in order to justify using the Military they first had to prove to the people that every single part of the government was corrupted. They had to show us. They showed us all when not one branch of the government was willing to step up and fix the obvious fraudulent election. That was like the final nail to show everyone there is no hope in saving the current system. It's got to be cleaned out. And the only power left in our country that's not fully corrupt is our citizen military.
Lots and Lots and Lots of moving parts with this op. Q said Military is the Only Way.