Yo listen bruv u gu-ah tRuSt tHe pLaN bRuV THEY HAF MIL-ARY WATER PROOF BALLOTS BLAD”
We gotta stop listening to these clowns with all these theories and just remember at the end of the day it doesn’t matter if there was secret sting operations , faggot ballots and acb’s and Clarences , what matters is potus has hidden constitutional powers that he has acknowledged , they allow him to do things unimaginable and to the senate and house THEY HAVE ZERO CLUE it’s all secret as fuck. Fuck these clowns we trust trump will do the right thing, as a his constitutional duty , he stands alone . there is no secret operations there is trump deciding weather or not he wants to cross the rubicon and we believe he will. End of story . Fuck Linwood Alex Jones and every clown who has a crackpot theory someone is gonna save us besides DJT. Period.
^^ this ^^
Wouldn’t using a VPN do the same thing?
It's really from linn. I have the same thing on my telegram. Stop FUDding
British larpers are the worst .
Yo listen bruv u gu-ah tRuSt tHe pLaN bRuV THEY HAF MIL-ARY WATER PROOF BALLOTS BLAD”
We gotta stop listening to these clowns with all these theories and just remember at the end of the day it doesn’t matter if there was secret sting operations , faggot ballots and acb’s and Clarences , what matters is potus has hidden constitutional powers that he has acknowledged , they allow him to do things unimaginable and to the senate and house THEY HAVE ZERO CLUE it’s all secret as fuck. Fuck these clowns we trust trump will do the right thing, as a his constitutional duty , he stands alone . there is no secret operations there is trump deciding weather or not he wants to cross the rubicon and we believe he will. End of story . Fuck Linwood Alex Jones and every clown who has a crackpot theory someone is gonna save us besides DJT. Period.