Many people have been saying, listen to Lin Wood, listen to X22, this and that.
Honestly, IMO about the only people who have been consistent with their drops has been Trump, Flynn, and Pompeo. As we've seen they are in the know (admittedly, also in their end game).
The only other one who I've listened to and had some faith in is Alex Jones (now hear me out). When I say this, I'm not talking about InfoWars (I don't watch it), and I don't mean him as a person. All I've watched of him was part of a video with him introducing himself and the studio (boring). What I was more interested in was an obscure reference I found scouring for election fraud data, and is the only thing of his I'm talking about: the '79 days of Hell' prediction.
Now, I'm not claiming to be able to identify prognosticators, and I don't condone those who practice (religious reasons, can get into later if you're really that interested).
Having said that, while researching the steal and trying to finding news about it, just before I found TDW (and eventually GAW), I heard about him and his prediction. I tracked down and listened to the interview, and I just got this sense I was listening to, idk, a prophecy-ish?
I've since thought back to the prophets, and others used in the Bible, and they didn't spend their whole life being prophets. Many weren't even good people (Jonah anyone?). However, they were all people who (sometimes grudgingly) allowed God to use them for His purpose at the right time.
I will say this. When I heard him give his estimation, I heard that little voice inside of you, the one when you are quiet and still, or making a decision, the one that is always right. That voice said listen to him. I believe it was the Holy Spirit that said to listen. That happened on day, 38 IIRC? We are now entering day 77, and while there is hope (I'm 99.9% sure we're gonna be fine) these last few days have been brutal. each day has been multiple rollercoasters. I've been up late almost every night trying to find reassurances to give to friends, family, myself.
I thought TDW was good (until they lost it on the 6th), but the people here have been so inspirational, and so helpful. I guess I just want to say thank you, keep the faith.
Not a single plan has gone the way Q wanted, but the strategy has been sound. We will WIN, and keep WINNING.
I'm glad I came here, it has helped. I'll probably keep lurking, may post a bit, but this part of my life's journey, I think, may be close to an end. Life is calling me back, and I have lots to do, maybe even run for the Senate (my state will soon have a couple seats open). Keep up the good work and see you on the flip side.
God Bless.
Why do you say”Not a single plan has gone the way Q wanted”?
I think everything is going according to plan and the next step is on the 20th when Trumps term ends. Until that time we can’t move to the next step and he will be sworn in by March 4th.
On TDW a while back there was a message from a retired ops guy who put that idea forward. Let me see if I can find that, may be later.