posted ago by Binome169 ago by Binome169 +43 / -0

I am not one for prophecies, but I randomly saw this Nostradamus ‘prophecy’ and thought it quite apt for these days ahead....

The Contrivance of Flying Fire.

Will Come to Trouble the Besieged Leader.

Inside, There Will Be So Much Despair.

That The Corrupt Ones Will Despair.

I don’t know why but the first line made me immediately think EMP... it was like when you are asked for word association rather than any other reason for thinking that.... as when I do try to think of what the first line might mean ... it would be more likely a missile, aircraft etc rather than EMP....

I think I might have had that word association because I have been thinking about DS response or rather their ‘nuclear option ‘ would likely be an EMP attack to try to cripple the country and its infrastructure.... regardless I found that particular Quatrain rather apt... ?