Put your Q decoders to work and lets figure it out.
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I know you guys are probably sick of these by now... but..
I started on the original TheDonald from back in the Reddit days. Which then turned into .win, and then it led me here. I dismissed Q this whole time.
I think I was very wrong.
I mocked you guys. I was ignorant. I never actually took the time to try to understand.
But over the last week or so, I did.
Its almost too unreal. But the next few days should show us all what we really want to know.
Forgive me for the words/judgments I held against this movement, and everyone involved.
I still don't know if it's true, but there are TOO many coincidences. Too many.
God bless you all. Whether true or not, God bless you all, God bless America, and God bless Donald Trump!
The time stamps and how the tweets and messages were all coordinated. The specific phrases used, repeating them, and the times where Trump would highlight the baby, or the people with Q signs. The talks with North Korea, and how that all played out. That really made a ton of sense. DEAL MADE. Then the optics.
Not to mention all the Q+ confirmation that seemed to be happening with the tripcodes.
Not only that, when you READ the Q posts, it does sound very... well, Trumpy.
That, and it actually makes more sense! Which I never thought I would say. But the idea that this is a military operation is incredible. And maybe that's just all the hopium. But at the end of the day, my views, opinions, and belief about the "Q" movement has completely shifted.
And, I guess we only need to wait a few more days before we all know if this was in fact true, or one of the greatest LARPS ever done.
I am in the same boat as you my friend. The deltas and the tip top, tippy top speech are the two things that stuck out to me. President Trump proved to me that he is involved in this. And he freaking morse coded Q during his speech the other day. My mouth dropped open.
I'm guessing you watched that Q proof video? That video is GOOD. It honestly changed my mind from being completely in the middle to being almost positive it's all real. The tiny percentage of holdout is only because I'm an innately skeptical person lol
Yup! I watched that video and that really had the biggest impact.
I am STILL skeptical, but I believe its a healthy level. There are many things I don't understand, and that don't make total sense, but I also realize that IF this is all true, I wouldn't be smart enough to understand it all anyway. So many pieces in play, it seems.
But I am with you! Its going to be a wild next few days. And I cannot wait to see how this movie ends. It's either going to be a quite fizzle, or a loud series of BOOM, BOOM, BOOM's!