Put your Q decoders to work and lets figure it out.
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Sitting outside talking to my wife today Jan 18 at about 2:30 central. Her phone was off sitting beside her. The screeching sound an amber alert makes started to emanate from her phone. She picked the phone to swipe open and a screen that said CORRUPTION came into view. Then it changed to a picture of 3 corner hat colonists standing and gathered. A female voice proceeded to give a brief over view of what is happening in DC stating that this all started in 1871 when us became a corporation and we changed from constitutional republic and US CODE became law of the land, and we are now changing back. It was the most fantastic, spot on, soul pleasing video I have ever seen. It was about 5 minutes long. I can write all I heard later, but I asked my wife to forward it to everybody we know. She said she could not as it was an alert and they do not download. I called my friends and grown children to see if they got the same message, but I seem to be the only person I know that received it. It was VERY well done video production. So my question is.......did any of you receive one?. Please, I do not want this to not be real. Our cell carrier is one that starts with v. We were thinking this was the beginning of EBS, but I am seeking confirmation. I thought I was anxious and restless the last few days, now I am through the roof with anticipation.
I also have v. carrier but did NOT receive such an alert. We are waiting for supposedly upcoming EBS alerts.
I know. Have been awake for 25 yrs, and a q follower since day one. But this alert was so spot on well done in words, facts, and video production that it never occurred to me to be a hoax, until I started checking with my local patriot community, and they all said no. But they all had alerts turned off. So i thought i would ask here. Can't figure wht any would just down vote and not answer my question. I am not after votes, i am seeking verification. I do thank you for answering.
You talk like a fag and your shits all retarted
At least I can spell you dumb shill piece of shit.