I searched "cogcon" on twatter and found this: https://twitter.com/davetroy/status/1351221648389787651 (be mindful, I have no idea who this guy is or where he obtained this recording.) People have posted screenshots to text messages with the same information. The phone number these messages were sent from "is affiliated with an official notification system used by (at least) the US Coast Guard. This site lists this number. If you call the number you get the @AtHoc notification system."
Also from this guy's thread: "So either 1) the current US COGCON Level was set to “2,” and it hasn’t been reported by anyone, or 2) the@Blackberry @AtHoc system was hacked and used to send messages to at least some civilian targets as part of a disinfo campaign. Which is it?"
Info from this Dave Troy fellow may be disinformation so take it with a grain of salt, but it seems to back up what OP is saying
I'm not disputing that cogcon levels are real, I'm just putting up a disclaimer that I'm not sure if the reports from those twitter users are legit. I sure hope they are!
I searched "cogcon" on twatter and found this: https://twitter.com/davetroy/status/1351221648389787651 (be mindful, I have no idea who this guy is or where he obtained this recording.) People have posted screenshots to text messages with the same information. The phone number these messages were sent from "is affiliated with an official notification system used by (at least) the US Coast Guard. This site lists this number. If you call the number you get the @AtHoc notification system."
Also from this guy's thread: "So either 1) the current US COGCON Level was set to “2,” and it hasn’t been reported by anyone, or 2) the@Blackberry @AtHoc system was hacked and used to send messages to at least some civilian targets as part of a disinfo campaign. Which is it?"
Info from this Dave Troy fellow may be disinformation so take it with a grain of salt, but it seems to back up what OP is saying
I'm not disputing that cogcon levels are real, I'm just putting up a disclaimer that I'm not sure if the reports from those twitter users are legit. I sure hope they are!