14 31-Oct-2017 8:00:15 PM MST 4ch/pol ...Was HRC next in line? Was the election suppose to be rigged? Did good people prevent the rigging?...>
If these questions are likely just statements, then Q said Trump won in 2016 because good people prevented the election from being stolen. BUT, if that's been true for three years, why did Biden just steal the election from Trump?? Because the Q team set him up. Trump and Q could have prevented the steal as they did in 2016. This was all supposed to happen this way. Interdasting....
Maybe the stealing prevention from last time made them cheat all the more. They didn't know it was a set up and still don't. That's what they're supposed to be finding out soon.
You give these fools too much credit. They are too arrogant and retarded to suspect and even believe they could not get away scott free stealing an election. They have thus far.
Keep it up shill and you'll get deported. This is no place for you and your god Biden.
We wouldn’t have had the mass awakening we did that the branches of govt are all corrupt if it didn’t happen this way...