Are you saying Pompeo doesn't use telegram as well? Bc his twitter and telegram appear to be coming from same person. Identical posts and almost simultaneous.
What threads are you referring to? On tdw or here? You want proof photos of my commitment? I spent a week in DC with my wife. Made the trip from Oklahoma. I am a patriot and and ex college wrestler so fuck off puss
Difference between you and I is I study, read, and ready to fuckn throw hands too. And u stay on ur couch/compooter rooom and play it safe. Not gonna move the needle with wussy shit like that when it comes down to it. Keep armchair qbing w/ ur Stratego/Risk calling shots from safe afar mr. Fallen T.
Lmao. Yeah Melania totally uses telegram.
Some of the people here are real sharp
Are you saying Pompeo doesn't use telegram as well? Bc his twitter and telegram appear to be coming from same person. Identical posts and almost simultaneous.
A script can easily automate that
Pompeo posted 5 mins before this and said to follow Melania on Telegram. Not on twitter. No caption under Pope, makes one say "hmmmm"!
Where did he say to follow Melania?
Just did 2nd post with screenshot where he said it
So YOU were never a 1-drop handshake?? Always the shot caller of site?
Com on Pede, lighten up with ego and cliche' posting. What next, calling some one a doomer or shill?
If you are going to posture yourself as shot caller then don't you think you should present some "sauce" about WHY you see this person as a bad guy?
It would help one and all understand since none of us are 100% up on all the in's and out's of what is true and not.
WTF with the nasty tude, DUDE??
Where's the evidence as I don't see any?
What threads are you referring to? On tdw or here? You want proof photos of my commitment? I spent a week in DC with my wife. Made the trip from Oklahoma. I am a patriot and and ex college wrestler so fuck off puss
Puss Dustin Hoffman
Begone 1 hand on ur stuff Jeffrey Toobin
Say that to my face beech. Do some research b4 you make a rash and critical call
Go to telegram and research for yourself or is that too much work
Difference between you and I is I study, read, and ready to fuckn throw hands too. And u stay on ur couch/compooter rooom and play it safe. Not gonna move the needle with wussy shit like that when it comes down to it. Keep armchair qbing w/ ur Stratego/Risk calling shots from safe afar mr. Fallen T.