Coincidences like this tend to occur when too many consciousnesses link up in a subconscious telepathic network in a higher dimension. The higher dimension becomes telepathically oversaturated and the excess energy crystalizes and deposits into a lower dimension as these types of meaningful coincidences, much in the same way that oversaturated sugar water produces pure rock candy. A lot of people dismiss all this because it is at odds with the soyence they've been indoctrinated with, but it isn't even at odds with thats, these coincidental phenomenons are just an acknowledgment that perception alters reality as much as realty alters perception. Quantum mechanics says the same thing in the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, when people started noticing KEKs suddenly being everywhere and often associated with frogs or with President Trump they've got to realize that there is more to life than what the soyence textbooks at school taught them and that the coincidences have a natural cause.
Coincidences like this tend to occur when too many consciousnesses link up in a subconscious telepathic network in a higher dimension. The higher dimension becomes telepathically oversaturated and the excess energy crystalizes and deposits into a lower dimension as these types of meaningful coincidences, much in the same way that oversaturated sugar water produces pure rock candy. A lot of people dismiss all this because it is at odds with the soyence they've been indoctrinated with, but it isn't even at odds with thats, these coincidental phenomenons are just an acknowledgment that perception alters reality as much as realty alters perception. Quantum mechanics says the same thing in the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, when people started noticing KEKs suddenly being everywhere and often associated with frogs or with President Trump they've got to realize that there is more to life than what the soyence textbooks at school taught them and that the coincidences have a natural cause.
God would do a much better job of explaining the phenomenon than I could, there is no question about that.