I wrote this sentence in a previous post but I think it warrants it's own. The CCP and Globalist have bribed threatened and blackmailed their way to achieving near world domination.
Modern life has been soft towards government officials often giving them a legal barrier between their crimes and punishment. Treason needs to have a lower threshold for conviction. To sell out ones country for profit is an abhorrent behavior and too often it's called "getting ahead".
To use a collective resource for ones gain is an ultimate sin against fellow man. Political offices are a collective resource. independently they are worthless just a title but put the weight of a city state or nation they are more powerful than armed soldiers because those soldiers obey the collective resource of the elected executive.
To summarize the penalty for abusing the collective resource of political office must be damning oppressive and unrelenting.
Historically power was often concentrated within a single man or family. However in 1787 our nation, the Great Experiment, started. The original vision was a decentralized power to the landowners and states with a minimal federal government to oversee interstate commerce and foreign affairs.
Ik m not familiar with the 1787 laws on treason but I know today there is a 5 year in prison provision and that should be eliminated altogether. If not death 50+ years and a family seizure of assets shoudl be a minimum. The penalty should affect all immediate family and assets in their name to dissuade loopholes to benefit.
I wonder why we have softened. You know looking through history textbooks massacres and military purges seemed frequent. Genetically we are the same man as those. Why should the next two days also not have traitors eliminated the same as they were 70 years ago.