any proof of harrison ford?
so far i know Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise, Madonna, Manson, Katy Perry and Lady Gaga being involved in the satanic rituals, with eating toddlers.
There is a theory that Hanks is a rockefeller, that had his last name changed. Which explains his power and popularity in hollywood. Less of a pedophile baby eater, more of just "THE BOSS" in the industry, if you know what i mean.
When Tom Hanks asked Isaac Kappy to be eliminated, they did the job instantly, without asking questions.
So you might be right in some points, he is way above the average blood drinker.
any proof of harrison ford? so far i know Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise, Madonna, Manson, Katy Perry and Lady Gaga being involved in the satanic rituals, with eating toddlers.
There is a theory that Hanks is a rockefeller, that had his last name changed. Which explains his power and popularity in hollywood. Less of a pedophile baby eater, more of just "THE BOSS" in the industry, if you know what i mean.
When Tom Hanks asked Isaac Kappy to be eliminated, they did the job instantly, without asking questions.
So you might be right in some points, he is way above the average blood drinker.