posted ago by BitcoinPatriot ago by BitcoinPatriot +15 / -0

Fact: Gold is a single point of failure that was easily captured by central banks due to its negative carry.

Fact: Bitcoin launched once Obama was installed. Coincidence?

Opinion: Before GESARA or anything like it can be implemented, a sound, unconfiscatable currency for the digital era must be bootstraped. Could this digital gold be the basis for a new dollar, or replace it entirely? Easily.

Fact: Elon Musk is closely tied to DoD via SpaceX and it's investors who wanted to prevent the loss of american space dominance. He has recently gotten on the Bitcoin bandwagon.

Fact: @Jack promotes Bitcoin and censorship resistant decentralization of social networks with BlueSky.

Opinion: @Jack is a white hat playing a role with his minor stake in Twitter. He recently posted a marker: "11+11". Coincidence?

Fact: Trump has a degree in economics, and has unpromptedly said Bitcoin "is based on thin air". The awakened quickly pointed out that, the dollar is what's based on thin air. Coincidence?

Opinion: Shitcoiners (altcoin shills) track very closely to the SJW/scammer left trying to dilute this digital gold.

Fact: Comptroller of the Currency recently warned banks to get on board with public blockchain or lose customers.