My goodness!!! I haven’t seen so much active mil aircraft since I started plane watching!
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And they went to from virtually all trainers to virtually all Beechcraft, and now the are being diversified. I think they are intentionally changing the types. Also, unlike the last few days where the were moving to and from DC, they are literally everywhere.
Let's hope it's a sign that the good guys are winning.
a carpet of purple planes just flew over my house
~250 is normal for day to day operations. Highest i've seen was ~750 back in early December.
270+ currently
I’m in Vance, SC, we are actually on the way to Columbia right now (searching for ammo).
Yes!!! I pray this is a good thing!
I’ve just never seen that many like that.
I might be able to spot some and get pictures lol.
we have had several fighters F16's fly over our area in Southern AZ. none were squawking. every once in awhile A10 fly by, but very seldom do we have fighters in our area.. been watching all morning;)
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