posted ago by SouthWoodsPatriot ago by SouthWoodsPatriot +15 / -0

You will see that I am new here, but I hope the mods will allow me a moment. :) I made this account because it has been on my heart today to say thank you. Until now, I have been an observer on this site, benefiting from the knowledge, research, and hope that you all have provided freely to anyone who wishes to partake. I want to express my gratitude to all of you who, over these past years, have done the research that I couldn't and who have devoted the time and energy to this worthy cause of freedom. What most people in our country don't understand is that this Q team works to the benefit of everyone, regardless of the "weeping and gnashing of teeth" by those who hate what they do not understand and shrink from the light that exposes darkness.

My debt of gratitude is to President Trump as well. I love this man. I love his sacrifice and courage. He is a leader of leaders, and he has given everything for the love of this country and for all that is called good. He has been vilified but takes it like a man and tirelessly presses on--not only for the good of those who support him but also for the good of all Americans as well as people around the world who yearn to be free.

Thank you for all that you do here. The work is only beginning. There are many more years of valiant effort ahead. So please continue to fight the good fight. Hold the line. By God's grace, we WILL win this. The BEST is yet to come!