tweet times :00, :19, :30, :33
within 1min margin of error. damn looks like it's legit
edit: also, if the :00 and :30 tweets were scheduled and the :19 and :33 ones were deliberately sent manually to make 20-10-4 then that can be systematic error (phone clock being off). it could also just be random but a) statistically unlikely and b) at this point I think there's no way Pompeo doesn't know Q people watch the deltas constantly (why systematically switch between intervals like that?)
The timing went from gaps of 20 then 10 then 4, mirror this is 4,10,20=DJT?
you fking autist, i love you.
Autist of the day goes to your fren!
did it? i literally thought "if he does a 4-10-20 delta run i'll go crazy" just a few hours ago lmao
tweet times :00, :19, :30, :33 within 1min margin of error. damn looks like it's legit
edit: also, if the :00 and :30 tweets were scheduled and the :19 and :33 ones were deliberately sent manually to make 20-10-4 then that can be systematic error (phone clock being off). it could also just be random but a) statistically unlikely and b) at this point I think there's no way Pompeo doesn't know Q people watch the deltas constantly (why systematically switch between intervals like that?)
We need a golden Pepe award for superior autist thinking! Great catch fren!
holy shit thank you!!