Not only did Joe Biden cry, pretty much as soon as he started talking.....not the happy type of emotions, like some were trying to pass it off as, but the very sad, like he knows something not good is going to happen type emotion. I was studying him closely and there's something badly off.
Also, he mention about 'Dr. King's assassination'!!! What if he was trying to warn people about something!? What is truly in the works!? I don't like it one bit........because if he is already thinking or knowing something's going to happen, it means it's been preplanned. Which means there will be a motive and someone who will take the blame. Could this be the lefties way of trying to end Trump's movement for good. And ending the 2nd A?
Just speculating......but something feels off.
What comes goes around.
I agree.
He could step aside for illness, he’s old enough, but I don’t think they’ll try to Arkancide him, because he is the owner/operator of a very successful crime family, and he no doubt has deadman switches set up for just such an occasion.
He may give himself up to save his family though. The bad guys usually go after what you love most to get what they want from you.
Because they thought they could pull this off.
Light years past the point of no return.