How on earth could you look at his speech today and think now there's a leader. Besides his mumbling and stumbling over words the crying disgusted me. To stand before a nation and declare you are the winner means you are strong brave loyal and trustworthy. Not one thing in that speech was strong brave loyal or trustworthy. He is a dementia riddled sobbing soyboy. Good luck. Tomorrow at 12pm if he is sworn in you will reap what you sow. God save America and its patriots because they are going to need it.
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Fuck Biden. I would never vote for him. That said — Showing emotion isn’t a display of weakness. How about not perpetuating the stereotype that strong men can’t cry or show emotion? That’s toxic thinking, and one of the reasons people won’t hear us out. Expressing sexist (or homophobic, or racist) remarks is not inviting to our cause, or welcoming in any way. It’s mean spirited, and people want to stay away from us because of it.
I thought about that while writing the post. Yes men cry but they do not stand up as a leader in front of a nation and carry on as he did. The only time I have ever seen another president cry was Obuma when that school shooting happened. I was disgusted then as well. U.S.A needs a leader to show strength not tears.
I agree with you. He was a blubbering mess. If that wasn’t the point you were trying to convey, then my apologies. I take it back. I’ll get off my high horse. I just see bigoted shit on this board all the time and think “No wonder people don’t fucking listen to us.” Lol