0 Anyone else see this? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by Juju7 4 years ago by Juju7 +7 / -11 14 comments download share 14 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I think this was passed around last week. Fake.
Thanks! I thought so but a friend sent it with no reference
This was passed around a couple times and it was fake news
lol, NTSA
Yea they have been going around for over a week now
Bullshit, this has been around a few times already.
This was passed around after the election
Pixelated image is not very concrete, should provide sauce if you want legitimacy. Doubtful if you ask me as I do not see anything on any of the aforementioned stations and you would think they would be advertising that.
Low energy. Low effort.
Have you been under a rock -- this so fake and old !!
Kind of lol. I dont keep up with MSM or those stations listed. I dont do social media. Mostly just following this site a few others.
fake and gay