posted ago by ndividualistic ago by ndividualistic +114 / -1

I’ve been part of T_D since 2015 on Reddit. You can look up my username. That account is still active.

This ride we have been on is one of the best experiences of my life.

I watched Trump demolish the other R candidates.

I watched live as he said he would have arrested HRC.

I sat on the edge of my seat as he won.

I watched the shit thrown at Trump. I watched the Russia conspiracy. I watched the first impeachment.

I have watched loyally all the punches Trump took for us over the years.

I’ve thanked God for this man to step up and save our country and bring back pride.

During this ride I registered to vote for the first time in 2016. My husband at the time left me. I moved states and got together with my childhood romance. I told him about my beliefs and about Trump. I told him about T_D and showed him the meme wars. He asked me to marry him, and we tied the knot in 2020 and I voted for Trump again. We have two beautiful children that I will raise in the eyes of God and with the pride of their country in their heart.

Tomorrow, I know this ride is changing. I trust the plan. I know Trump has to step aside and let the military do their thing. In case he is not POTUS any longer, in case this site becomes obsolete, in case we no longer have this man to rally around: I am honored to have been on this ride with all of you. I proudly call myself a Lady Pede and always will be a Deplorable.

Do not lose faith. Do not lose hope. We have trusted the plan this far. Give it one more day at least.