If you’re going to cheat, why pick the worst possible candidates in Pedo Joe and Kameltoe? You just have to cheat even more, and make it more obvious to people. That’s not what you do if you want to “get away with it”. So why do it? Why not pick a legit candidate, who lies and does an about face after they get elected like they’ve done for decades? We all believe half of DC is compromised, so don’t tell me they were the only candidates available. And don’t tell me they got away with it anyway so it doesn’t matter. It still doesn’t make any sense. Hell, they did just about everything they could to fuck it up, not campaign, etc. The fraud was blatant. All they did was break the illusion for a boatload of people. Remember when we all thought after the midterms that people were just dumb? We had no clue.
Something critical is missing.
How many non-establishment people are there in DC? Way less than not, so the pool of people not on camera groping kids is there. Nobody wanted Biden. He shit the bed during the primaries before they resuscitated him, well known name or not. All that stuff you said is not unique to Joe.
I still don't understand how lefties and Bernie Bros didn't see right through the BS when Biden started winning every state after coming in 4th or 5th at the beginning. Let's say that the South Carolina win was legit bc of the large black population... Ok, so just because he won that One state, everybody just suddenly switched to voting for Joe in the remain in 25-30 states? The other states didn't have as large a number of black voters, so it makes literally no sense. It had to be Dominion shenanigans