1245 In Case Things Go Tits Up Tomorrow. And We Are Sent To Chinese Reeducation Camps. Remember the Code Word: HOPIUM! That Way We Know We Can Trust Each Other. Cheers, You Motherfuckers Let God's Will Be Done! ???? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by CaptainChrisPBacon 4 years ago by CaptainChrisPBacon +1249 / -4 127 comments download share 127 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
We're gonna win, Patriot.
Joke's on them if they put us in reeducation camps, anyway.
We are armed with information & truth, ready to take the system down from the inside!
I was talking to my brother about this and he jokingly said “ya know, the gulags will probably be fuckin’ lit with all the other pedes there”. Always a silver lining, I guess ??♀️
If that hypothetically ever happens I will fight my god damn heart out to defeat the traitors inside there.