Read this.
a : to move suddenly and violently : "started angrily to his feet"
b : to react with a sudden brief involuntary movement "started when a shot rang out"
2a : to issue with sudden force "blood starting from the wound"
b : to come into being, activity, or operation "when does the movie start" / "the rain started up again"
Read those examples. There are no coincidences.
"FISA INDICTMENTS = START (public_justice)"
Indictment: "a formal written statement framed by a prosecuting authority and found by a jury (such as a grand jury) charging a person with an offense"
Trump ordered the declassification of the fisagate documents. FISA will be the start. It will be very sudden. In his final hours in office, he opened Pandoras box and there is no putting the lid back on it. He is metaphorically walking away in slow motion while the explosions go off behind him.
"Move slowly, carefully — and then strike like the fastest animal on the planet!"
You think they knew CCP cooked up Rona? They need to hang for war crimes they have to answer to the world not just US
Wait, you do know Fauci is complicit in cooking up C19, right??? People on this board know that, right?? It is not just the CCP, it is Fauci's stock in trade and that is why Fauci is a Leftist Media darling.
"Now we can report that the leader of the US task force overseeing the country’s response to the China coronavirus, Dr. Tony Fauci, was the one who funded the Wuhan bat virus work and kept it going."
I have a link about the Fauci this below but what I don't understand.AAnd iI want to say I am with you guys please don't think I am being a doomer by saying this and light me up with a ton of down votws.but if Biden gets sworn in don't that make him in control of the military? Also people was so mad before when Trump was Presidentaand tthey couldn't indict a sitting president.have the rules changes at all here? Because if Biden is sworn in he can'tbbe indicted rright ? Can someone please explain to me what is gonna happen in better detail? Is Biden gonna be sworn in? If he is sworn in does that not fuck the entire plan because he will control the military at this point?? Please help me I don't understand what is going on.
Also here thst link I was talking about with Fauci. BTW Fauci needs a one way ticket to GITMO for this shit.