I am sending mine. But I am ready to swoop in and get them out at a moments notice. A sort of minuteman if you will. I just want to keep the calm for as long as possible. Godspeed to all
I am not far. We are involved and work in the district, so I'm not worried about comms
or being able to get in. But I totally understand and appreciate the reasons to keep them home. They are your children, and you will do anything to protect them. Thats what we do. Good luck. See you on the other side of this.
I am sending mine. But I am ready to swoop in and get them out at a moments notice. A sort of minuteman if you will. I just want to keep the calm for as long as possible. Godspeed to all
I am not far. We are involved and work in the district, so I'm not worried about comms or being able to get in. But I totally understand and appreciate the reasons to keep them home. They are your children, and you will do anything to protect them. Thats what we do. Good luck. See you on the other side of this.