Watching this speech we can all see this is not Trump in his normal form. He is holding back TREMENDOUSLY.
Even his farewell speech was very conservative.
He is not being his usual self. Something seems up.
I don't know what's going on but he's just not being his usual self.
He knows full well the hell that awaits us if this really is the end. He wouldn't be saying great things all lined up and the future will be great, he'd be warning us about the horrible things the next administration will bring. He's playing possum.
Exactly this. There's no way he believes this admin is going to do a great job.
He's blowing smoke. Why?
Right? Why would he be saying all these nice things about Biden when Biden has already talked about getting rid of all of Trump’s progress? It just seems odd. Trump could have said more by saying way less about Biden’s administration, but he talked up the “Next administration”, not Biden. So if he is talking about Biden, it would seem out of place.
And thanking Pence. Do we know which way Pence fell?