Use your fucking brains.
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The goal posts have to stay put. Remember the guys who claim the world will end in 2012, and before that another year? They keep moving the date and time, and it never ends. Don't fool yourself, if you have better info then so be it. If the info was 1/20 and it passes then nobody knows wtf is happening and might as well be just making shit up.
the problem is that we are the ones who set those goal posts. and we didn't know what was going to happen.. we " trust the plan " but we don't know what it is, we just have an idea of what it is going to accomplish. the problem isn't that the goal posts shift.. it's that we ever put them down.
Exactly. If goals were set and they passed, then there is a misunderstanding of what’s happening and everyone is in the dark.
Best guess is no one knows and setting new dates/times is a waste of time.