We know that Biden being sworn in and getting control of the military is not part of the plan. So EVERYTHING will be happening in next 45 minutes. Biden and multiple politicians presents will be arrested live on television with tens of millions watching with in amazement!
I thought it was going to be done clandestine in the night, but Trump, ever the showman, wanted to put on a spectacle. Trump will walk out during the arrests and thank America for reelection. America will be united in celebration!
This will be remembered as the greatest day since D-Day, historians will be writing about this for centuries.
Well it didn’t. So now what
The plan must have changed. Biden was sworn in 12 minutes early. That’s unconstitutional and makes his entire presidency illegal. The only date that matters now is March 4, according to the original, true constitution. The loyal generals will act when the time is right. Down with the US Corporation!!
Yeah Idek man. We’ve waited weeks. Months. Nothing. Idk there needs to be a time when we say ok it’s not happening. If nothing happens by the 22nd that’s it.
why the 22nd? seems like an arbitrary push of goalposts. Also, why has Q been silent for over a month? Don't want to give up hope but...