Look into William and Robert Bennett. The Bennett brothers, if you dig you will come across an article about Cathy O'Brien they are mentioned in it as coaxing her to go to the Vatican ceremony to be introduced to the cult. They can also be linked to the Clinton's, Bills attorney for Monica Lewinsky. The families ties run deep into government and the church.
Holy Shit! I had no idea of these guys! I knew about Neil A. Maxwell being CIA & doing MK-Ultra experiments on involuntary subjects, to termination. But, WOW! I completely breezed over him working with Senator Bennett! Thanks for the heads up!....yet ANOTHER rabbit hole LOL!!!--
BTW, I have an old "priesthood leader' we'll call him. Total Spook! Looks like Mr. Rogers---nicest guy ever. Sweet, quiet, polite Clark Kent type. Did some straight up international murderous shit!---stuff anyone older than 45 might remember from the news & world events from back in the day. I'm literally scared to even talk to him now. I avoid him if I see him in our circles as the circles are very, very small---glad I don't go to the temple with him anymore LOL!!!
Take care-
President Eisenhower......Stake President, that is ;)
I stumbled upon them doing research on Ron Bennett, (after Pompeo tweeted about him)he photographed all sorts of interesting stuff! The man had to know everything on everyone, of course he passed away a few months ago!
I just told my Mom this today! After researching the Bennett family!
I was not a Utah momo so I don't know the Bennett family. Please post me some links.
Look into William and Robert Bennett. The Bennett brothers, if you dig you will come across an article about Cathy O'Brien they are mentioned in it as coaxing her to go to the Vatican ceremony to be introduced to the cult. They can also be linked to the Clinton's, Bills attorney for Monica Lewinsky. The families ties run deep into government and the church.
Holy Shit! I had no idea of these guys! I knew about Neil A. Maxwell being CIA & doing MK-Ultra experiments on involuntary subjects, to termination. But, WOW! I completely breezed over him working with Senator Bennett! Thanks for the heads up!....yet ANOTHER rabbit hole LOL!!!--
BTW, I have an old "priesthood leader' we'll call him. Total Spook! Looks like Mr. Rogers---nicest guy ever. Sweet, quiet, polite Clark Kent type. Did some straight up international murderous shit!---stuff anyone older than 45 might remember from the news & world events from back in the day. I'm literally scared to even talk to him now. I avoid him if I see him in our circles as the circles are very, very small---glad I don't go to the temple with him anymore LOL!!!
Take care- President Eisenhower......Stake President, that is ;)
I stumbled upon them doing research on Ron Bennett, (after Pompeo tweeted about him)he photographed all sorts of interesting stuff! The man had to know everything on everyone, of course he passed away a few months ago!