FREE BANS FOR ANY NEGATIVE POSTS, PLEASE don't clog the site up .... this IS NOT over HAVE patience
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Can someone explain how this is not over?
Donald Trump won in a landslide. It's not his fault that the courts wouldn't hear his case, but the facts are that he won fair and square and his team can prove it.
Joe is a foreign agent (and AFAIK still a suspect in a Ukraine criminal inquiry). Kamala is an anchor baby. Neither were eligible for office, therefore Donald Trump essentially ran unopposed.
I suspect that things will start moving when the declass documents come out. They will prove the coup that took place against Trump at the direction of FBI/CIA/Obama et al. This would likely include the plan to steal the election.
So, wait some more?
I know it seems hopeless, I know I sound delusional...but these are not normal circumstances. We are at war (have been for a long time) and there is an abundance of disinformation out there.
What I know is that Donald Trump mentioned a miracle today, so I'm going to keep praying that it materializes. I'm not saying wait forever but another day or two while we regroup.