You may love rubbing our faces in the fact that Trump is no longer in the White House, Biden is now president... Blah Blah Blah... I don't think you have realized yet what you voted for. We Watched Joe for 8 Years with Obama and all the corruption happening. The War, The Death, The Poverty, The Lies... Your Excited for Trump being gone and that's all. You don't understand what you have done. I Pray you aren't effected too much by your choices today. You are ill-informed and have been lied to. You really don't understand. I hope one day you do. Then you can feel like us right now. When you do, we will welcome you back, because we know what community means.
As King Leonidas once said, May you live forever. Enjoy your spoils.
So why are you upset with Q? Because your an idiot? Your upset because your mad at yourself? Get over it and move on. you dont win them all champ. Go get some ice cream and try again tomorrow.
Go back to your safe space