posted ago by ChadThundercock1488 ago by ChadThundercock1488 +14 / -1

The second amendment is not a permit to go to a gun range and plink at paper cutouts once every few months or hunt some hogs.

Your rulers in DC saw your vote and said "I don't care", and they don't trust you enough to let you walk within 20 kilometer radius of president Xi's dignitary in the White House. In true fashion of an open and democratic society, 20k armed guards stand watch to ensure no unarmed terrorist ever dares to walk into the building they pay taxes for and take photos.

The election was stolen, your vote was meaningless and all you can do is shake your fist at the elites who mock you, laugh in your face, ask you openly "what are you going to do about it?" and you vow to vote again in 2024? Please, you deserve all the mockery.

You will either get yourself out of your comfort zone and do something about this blatant unlawful election result and illegitimate "president", or you will in true boomer fashion, watch the death of America from the front seats, televised, in the comfort of your warm home, shoveling something that can barely be classified as "food" into your mouth, posting away angrily at the state of things, but never doing anything. And the background noise of America dying will not be bombs, screams, gunfire, applause, or even as much as a whimper.

It will be the creak of your comfy leather chair.