The best (?worst) lies always have some truth in them to deceive. Evil doesn't always come dressed up in Ugly. God's Word says that satan "comes disguised as an angel of light." Just because some book, or religion, or teaching, or system has some truth in it doesn't mean it's something to follow.
The best (?worst) lies always have some truth in them to deceive. Evil doesn't always come dressed up in Ugly. God's Word says that satan "comes disguised as an angel of light." Just because some book, or religion, or teaching, or system has some truth in it doesn't mean it's something to follow.
whats is that some kind of religion?
On the left is Freemasonic symbolism. Yes they are their own religion in a sense.
Oh ok I have heard about freemasons! Thank you
You have to become a Freemason to make it past E-8 in the Army, or so I've heard
I said or so I've heard. There has to be something to it, General Ulysses S. Grant was part of the Order of Odd Fellows