Q and "The Plan" is real. OR
Q and "The Plan" is a LARP for some bad motive (to get attention / to make money / to troll people then laugh at them / to make patriots passive for years / you pick)
If it was #2, wouldn't the last month have been the HOLY GRAIL of times to post? If you just wanted attention, this last month would have been the biggest audience for a LARP, EVER. If you wanted to sell Q Alert apps or Q t-shirts or whatever, you could come on and post all the time and whip people into a frenzy. People have been ACHING for Q news and Q posts for the last month, growing exponentially to today.
BUT that didnt happen. Nothing for like 6 weeks. The highest potential 6 weeks ever IF Q was a LARP. But no. So, then I think, meh, must be #1.
But again, that would make no sense. Obama/Hillary 16 year plan to take down America was moving right along. Why would Trump interject himself in 2016 and upset the apple cart that was already rolling downhill? If Hillary had won we’d already be in the midst of the NWO. No sense whatsoever that Trump was a plant for nefarious means. Evil isn’t divided by itself.
No he wouldn't. All of the Q stuff was helping Trump. Why would Trump want to denounce people who are trying to keep him in office? If Q was real, then why wouldn't Trump say anything? If he knows about high-powered pedophilia and wouldn't say anything while he was president, then whose side is he on?
i think until the plan happens, trump by himself is not powerful enough to override the media and his political opponents together. thats why he couldnt publicly claim Q, and its the same reason he couldnt publicly denounce COVID. there was too much media momentum against him, it would have killed him politically to come out hard against COVID, so he had to turn it around and show how fast he could make a vaccine and play along and try to judo some of that energy back toward china and blame them. if trump came out as pro Q before the election, he would have lost a lot of normies who voted him otherwise