Those critics were quietly waiting throughout the previous days and up to this morning to see what would happen; Whether somebody would get arrested and the "Plan" would kick off like we all hoped.
In that time while they were silent, they believed it was possible.
Well I️ still do. Nothing has changed for me.
If I understand everything correctly it was supposed to happen no later than today, though, correct? Before Biden inauguration? With Trump out of office and Biden in, what makes you optimistic, if I may ask? Because you don’t say in your post.
Lots of shills sneering about “moving goalposts”, but I don’t recall Q ever establishing goalposts; those were all our hopes/assumptions. And those shills keep asking us “if Biden is inaugurated on the 20th, will you give up and admit it was all a stupid lie??” ... in fact, shills and concern trolls ask us that constantly. It seems to be really important to them that we confess and disavow Q & Trump once we’ve seen Biden inaugurated ... which says to me nothing was supposed to happen today.
If Q has given us specific dates and times for “the storm”, we haven’t discovered it yet.
What I’ve seen from Q:
It's just a matter of time though, whether it's months from now or years from now, y'all will someday wake up 30, 40, 50, or even 80 years old and realized you just wasted all that time chasing phantom "drops" from a 4chan troll, meanwhile your country and its people have been robbed blind by the ultra rich on both sides of the political isle cuz you've fail to realize that it is not right vs left as they would have you believe, but rather the rich vs the poor as it has always been since time immemorial.
I think it’s pretty clear that it’s rich vs poor