posted ago by Eden10 ago by Eden10 +12 / -0

Guys I think that a lot of people act like we got nothing from Q and this is DEFINETELY NOT TRUE . Q is about a new way of thinking . Q opened our eyes and make us see the lies that they've (the bad people) been telling us for decades . Make us see how they control us . We should thank whoever is behind Q for the mental freedom he/she/they gave us .

If you think about it , Q was like a Morpheus to us and I think Q see each one of us as possible new Morpheus for others . Think about it . There is a reason Q opened our eyes . If people wake up , the bad guys are over . This is what they fear the most . Imagine if EVERY SINGLE Anon bring one more person with him . This could be really the Great Awakening . Imagine if somehow we all become the Morpheus for one more person . This is actually mathematically proven World Awakening .

Trump is like Neo to us . Every revolution needs its symbol . Someone who will make the people believe . We make Q and Trump stronger in this battle against evil , by bringing others in our movement . Explaining them that this is not a conspiracy theory . This is what the media told them . Telling them that Q doesn't even have a theory . Is just the process of making us think and search by ourselves . Without the "help" of the media .

I know that Q have a "plan to bring justice for their crimes and then world peace" and that this plan seems to be in bad place right now . But we can finish this by ourselves and we will have MANY HELP from outside and more help from God . Maybe it will be a process of few years but mathematically speaking , it will happen .

Our world is heading into destruction . The bad guys will DEFINETELY try to destroy Worlds Economy . We need to wake more people before it's too late .

The Q movement MUST continue . Not with plans or that kind of things but by waking more people and maybe here discuss our new discovers about these assholes and then spread into the world .

I really believe in our movement and in World Awakening . If we let it , then how long we will wait until a second Trump or a second Q ? a second Neo/Morpheus .

What are your thoughts about all this ? Are you willing to keep fighting for that good cause ?? Being someone else's Morpheus ?

Not especially being "Q follower" or "Trump follower" , because they will hunt us now , but being "Truth follower"