Why do you trust the military or FEMA to do anything?
Is there any indication that these entities actually care what the constitution dictates after an illegitimate president has taken hold of the government?
This is not some doomer post, this is a genuine question. Where is the proof or any kind of rumor with information backing it that would hint at these entities actually holding their oath to heart?
Don't mistake this as me questioning specific individuals within the military, I'm sure plenty of individual soldiers would die defending our constitution and its principals but individuals aren't in control.
Because everyone knows that only 10% of the population voted for Biden and the rest including the military want Trump in there! No one wants a lying treasonous communistic fascist leader! The only reason Biden won is because he had thieves that back him. Trump is a very trustworthy and honest leader whereas Biden and his team will only be known as thieves in the night
Good point.
If there are any military people on here or who have been, would y’all confirm if you’d let something like this happen?
If I were them I’d quit. I mean someone has to take a stand. U really think if they were told to hurt or arrest random civilians they’d do it?
The people who served under Obama felt unappreciated and abused, lots of them tell stories about it. No solider wants to be under the command of a traitor. American military swear to uphold the constitution not a traitors order that breaks the constitution.
Why wouldn't you? Honest question. When you starr fixating on the negative the first thing you should do is ask yourself why that doom scenario makes more sense, not why the positive scenario makes more sense.
Attitude is everything
I have reasons to believe the soldiers who pledge their lives for the sake of this country would rather not work for people who only look to enrich themselves. Check out Trump's 2016 inauguration speech, and watch how the military strangely stands behind him during the first minute. Now compare that to Biden's speech today.