posted ago by sakmode ago by sakmode +17 / -3

You don't have to listen to all those trying to convince themselves against all reality that what is actually happening isn't actually happening. You can also "USE LOGIC" as Q has said. You can choose not to "blindly believe". As Q said: "Decide for yourself."

What the Great Awakening WAS about:

  • waking people up to the media lies
  • showing us who was really in power and how they misled us

What the Great Awakening was NOT about:

  • fulfilling all our wet dreams of justice and vengeance

What the Great Awakening WANTED to be about but was always up for grabs if you were USing LOGIC:

  • destroying the cabal

They won. Makes sense when you think about it. Is Q over? Is the Great Awakening lost? Do we all give up? Only if you're a weak willed faggot. Now is the time to get over it and figure out how to move on and make ways of breaking through the lies to wake others up. That is all. Like it or hate it but stop fucking dreaming. No single person on this earth can decide WHEN God brings justice - only God decides that. If it's not now, it'll be later, but best for you to suck it up and figure out how to fight from within the system than dream of the system coming down when it's NOT. Yet.