These things have been posted (in part) repeatedly but I'm consolidating for new folks or people who haven't seen this - for people who are all confused about what just happened and what is coming next.
Going to take a little bit of reading and listening, but knowing what's around the corner isn't going to come any other way than learning what Q has laid down and trying to understand what it means. Always best to see with our own eyes, right?
First, the Q post. See the date? Right at the beginning:
If you go to and enter 11.3 you will see other posts that contain those numbers. But for now, that image is all you need.
Now here is 11.3 Go to page 735:
Now here is a nice little summation, IMO:
I'm only posting 11.3 because THAT WAS TODAY. Three years of waiting, friends. And today we saw THE marker.
I'll add this: I saw the eyes of the people are that ceremony today, and they were darting around like they thought the hammer was about to drop right there during the prayer. Go back and watch if you missed that part. ~
can you give a quick explanation of 11.3 End of Occupation and Duration of GC Obligations...
Give those three posts a look, listen, and read through. ;-)
They're not long. Important for us to see and KNOW. If you see it for yourself no one can lie to you. The LISTEN part of it is actually pretty interesting - not boring.
Thanks for pointing me to the X-22 episode as well. Listening to it now.
Before when listening to BardsFM podcast I was not sure what he was referring to in terms of a Mar-A-Lago center of government. Reading up on 11.3 is interesting, connection to Flynn, Xiden taking a private jet to the inauguration.
Question for you - did you expect Xiden to take office yesterday, to kick off the 11.3 proceedings?
If you seen the evidence on all of them then maybe you would be more confident in when, not if lol....