I don't care if it's irrational. I'm gonna give it a chance until March 4th. Biden is doing an amazing job redpilling people right now with his EOs, the "near death experience" idea would be taken to another level if Trump ended up winning. He is getting ratioed on videos. IT'S OBVIOUS THIS IS WRONG!
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Disagree on irrationality. Look at how universal the contempt is towards the Bidens from all military, NG, marines, and other forces in the field. Turning their back, ignoring attempts to shake their hand.
When has this happened ever, in all history? Never. Like all others eligable to vote, they cast theirs, watched the fake news saying that military votes were a huge groundswell of support for Biden even though they dont know a single Biden supporter in the hundreds of their friends and brothers. They watched the election steal same as us. And now they know that Biden is an enemy, and they react instinctively to him like a viper at arms reach.
They know. Which means this temporary truce, this ceasefire will not last.
Its a rational position to take, the same kind that bought you here and the rest of us, and why we are still here.
It’s worse than that, it was precisely the military ballots that were fucked with the most because of the nature of them they have to be filled out anew right. This low level criminals that messed with there ballots in these ghetto precincts in these ghetto cities have no idea the extent of there treachery. Voting is a Sacred act to most Americans, most of us didn’t realize that collectively before this election. WoW talk about a great awakening we are United in right vs wrong atm. The military is our red line.