This is how you know Q is real. We've already won. Trust the plan.
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I'm new here. Be gentle. Sincerely mesmerized by what i'm reading. One question: Is there any line in the sand / any event that could occur that would once and for all convince you that you're been bamboozled and this is all a con? What would you need to see to know the world is not actually run by child molesters? I recommend you guys figure out what that line in the sand is - look for it - and then respect it and get on with your lives. The sadness and depravity and lack of common sense is troubling.
Since your question seems sincere I will respond. Quite simply, I'd have to un-see a whole lot of things. Here's a couple off the top of my head and
Thanks for the response. That in no way shape or form would be considered "evidence" of anything by any LEO. That's what you guys base this whole crazy thing on? Okay. I hope you make more informed decisions at your work and in your real life. This is flat earth stuff.
There are mountains more than that, but I'm not in the business of making Q proofs. Like I said, those were 2 videos off the top of my head.
The voter fraud evidence is irrefutable and it doesn't matter to any court, they refuse to even hear it, so the "evidence" argument means nothing to me. I choose to believe what I believe just as you can choose to believe what you believe.
I assume you're here because of mainstream media coverage, so ask yourself this question: If Q is a LARP, then why is the media spending so much time (and money) trying to discredit it? We were in a relatively small corner of the internet, wouldn't it be smarter to just leave us alone and not give coverage?