I have a question. If Bush and McCain (Bush Sr.) were traitors, why did they get a sendoff rather than be shown for what they were? What good is it if only a handful of people know? I know the info is being declassified now, but if it never was, if Trump hadn't gotten in etc. etc. etc., do these murderous fools get away with it? With no repercussion at all? Megan McCain flouncing around on the View when her dad was thick with Isis? I don't get it. I can't wait till this cabal is brought down.
We waited far too long to take action in the past. I think McCarthy (of 1950's) was on target with trying to purge the commies back then. Some said he went overboard and was crazy, so he was silenced, that was the first victory of the commie invasion. The DS I think was already up and running at this time, but was emboldened by McCarthy's demise, and J Edgar Hoover's issues. The DS evolved and grew into a huge problem, looking like it is the majority now in Congress The story is much more involved than this short paragraph, but I hope you get the idea. Just Remember We Are The Real Majority, Stay Strong
Removed. This is great content, but doesn't warrant its own post. It will get better visibility and drive discussion better in the daily discussion thread. Thanks for understanding!
I have a question. If Bush and McCain (Bush Sr.) were traitors, why did they get a sendoff rather than be shown for what they were? What good is it if only a handful of people know? I know the info is being declassified now, but if it never was, if Trump hadn't gotten in etc. etc. etc., do these murderous fools get away with it? With no repercussion at all? Megan McCain flouncing around on the View when her dad was thick with Isis? I don't get it. I can't wait till this cabal is brought down.
We waited far too long to take action in the past. I think McCarthy (of 1950's) was on target with trying to purge the commies back then. Some said he went overboard and was crazy, so he was silenced, that was the first victory of the commie invasion. The DS I think was already up and running at this time, but was emboldened by McCarthy's demise, and J Edgar Hoover's issues. The DS evolved and grew into a huge problem, looking like it is the majority now in Congress The story is much more involved than this short paragraph, but I hope you get the idea. Just Remember We Are The Real Majority, Stay Strong
Removed. This is great content, but doesn't warrant its own post. It will get better visibility and drive discussion better in the daily discussion thread. Thanks for understanding!